5 Reasons AI won’t be taking Trade Jobs anytime soon

Don't expect to see AI robots like Steve here taking Trade Jobs Anytime Soon.

When you entered high school were you told the best thing you could get into was computer programming, IT or graphic Design? These were the go to careers of the last 20 years. Many had the advice, “Don’t get a trade the pays bad and its hard work.”

How times have changed.

It’s Still Hard Work (and what’s wrong with that!) But the pays now great and The Best things Kids leaving school can get nowadays is a Trade to beat the AI job losses to come.

AI is set to obliterate white collar jobs in the next 10 years. Even Fast food jobs are being threatened by AI. Tech Billionaire Jensen Huang  head of one of the worlds most prestigious Graphic Card manufacturers and AI Giant Nvidia has even warned against computer science jobs. But Trades are safe and here are 5 Reasons AI won’t be taking trade jobs anytime soon:


Good Tradespeople have Style and Substance to the work they do, and their customers appreciate it. How’s a Robot going to do that? And where is the bragging rights for the customer - will the neighbours be impressed? Rather than tell your neighbours “yeah I used Steve to Reno my Kitchen he’s great, he’s awesome isn’t he? Pricey but worth it, a great finish - he’s booked out for months.’  Instead imagine the embarrassment  of telling your neighbors ‘A Samsung Android Cab-net 2.0 or an Apple iRoam AI robot did the cabinetry in my kitchen, average looking but efficient huh?’


 Almost every job undertaken is vastly different or complicated. Imagine going onto a muddy and messy worksite setting up a ladder to climb onto the roof to inspect a leak that is coming from a solar hot water system in a brand new  roof, and climbing into the roof  space if needed with the correct tools (In a Supersonic holster of course!) to fix the leak. Now imagine how complex it would be to design a robot to do that relatively simple task for a human.


Imagine What’s it cost to go to design and build a robot to fix that solar hot water system in the example above and irritatingly if it couldn’t do it - you’d have to send out one of those pesky humans to do it anyhow!


For AI to be effective if would have to be programmed with the tens of thousands of experiences a tradesman has had often during unusual jobs in unusual situations, and also during everyday living and realize which could be used in which situation.


 As Mark Twain put it ‘A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.’  Machines simply stop when they make mistakes or create what are called Hallucinations (seriously!) incorrect answers to problems - just to have an answer. Humans have the unique ability to think around problems from every angle to correct mistakes and to it quickly. Mistakes will happen -the flexibility of the human brain makes it no big deal. An AI Robot would need to be supervised for any solution it makes to be implemented.

So it looks like AI fuelled robots or the like wont be taking your job anytime soon,

Even if AI robots do end up taking over the world wouldn’t they rather have real humans doing the daily Grind of building their houses - And of course they can brag to their friends that a  real human - yes a real flesh and blood human built it! (This Article was written by a real person!)

- Brett
















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